Cachaça: What is it?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Every country or region in the world has its own iconic spirit. Each one with its own unique flavors, traditions, stories, and recipes. Mexico has Tequila, Scotland has Scotch, France has Champagne, and the U.S has Bourbon. In Brazil, Cachaça is king. While not well known throughout the world, in Brazil there are thousands […]
Estamos abertos denovo! Mas retiramos nosso buffet, veja o que você pode esperar de nós agora.

A partir deste fim de semana (12 de junho), reabriremos oficialmente nossas portas e e poder servir voces em nosso novo pátio! Estavamos abertos apenas para Take-Out nas últimas semanas e estamos felizes em receber os nossos clientes novamente em nosso restaurante completamente reformado! Nos somente ficamos abertos por três dias entre terminar as nossas […]
We are open once again! We got rid of our buffet, here’s what you can expect from us now.

As of this weekend (June 12th) we will officially re-open our doors and provide dinner service in our brand-new front patio! While we have been open solely for take out over the last few weeks, we have been anxiously waiting to welcome you all back into our completely renovated restaurant. Unfortunately we were only […]
New Cocktails, Small Plates & Where This Whole Thing is Going

If you have been following us on social media than you may already know this but, we have recently launched our brand new Small Plates & Cocktails menus! Ever since we took over as owners back in August, we have been trying to bring Labaredas into the 21st century with a modern take on traditional […]